Context Switch: Minor Progress on Tile Slider


I decided to switch gears again — definitely the mark of a successful developer, no?  Here’s the Tile Slider game prototype in action:

It’s got a couple of gameplay element indicators present.  First is the color change for crossing a tile, an “enemy” moving about the playfield, and the ability to speed up the player object.

Since I’ve made some progress, it’s only fair that I  do something drastic like moving off of the XNA library for this game.  I considered going to Unity or even Moai but decided to man up and start putting my own 2D engine together.  I’m doing this for a couple of reasons:

  1. Get an entity/component system up and running.  This will be used for everything from the player object to the UI, so I need to get it going now.
  2. XNA isn’t supported in the latest MSFT toolchains.
  3. Reasons.

I’ll be porting to C++/DirectXTK as an interim step and then modifying/replacing DXTK with something that can run on non MSFT platforms in the future.

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